Don't Ignore Your Ankle Pain

Your podiatrist in Centreville, VA, can help you and your ankle feel better

Ankle pain can keep you from enjoying the activities you love. You may feel unstable standing or walking around. If you have persistent ankle pain, don’t ignore it! Ankle pain that doesn’t go away could be a sign of a more serious condition, and your podiatrist can help. Dr. James Hurst of Centreville Foot & Ankle & Sports Medicine in Centreville, VA, offers comprehensive foot and ankle care, including several effective ways to treat ankle pain.

You may be experiencing ankle pain because you have:

  • Joint inflammation or arthritis in your ankle
  • Damaged or torn a tendon in your ankle
  • Injured a nerve in your ankle
  • Fractured a bone in your ankle

You may also be experiencing ankle pain due to a previous injury, especially if you have scar tissue from a sprained ankle.

Your ankles have many important functions, and if they are compromised, you can:

  • Be unable to support your weight
  • Feel unstable when you try to walk or stand
  • Fall down, which could result in serious injuries

You should seek out help for your ankle pain if you experience:

  • Frequent, severe pain on the outside of your ankle
  • Abnormal movement of your ankle when you try to stand
  • Ankle pain when you walk on uneven surfaces
  • Swollen, stiff, or painful ankles

Your podiatrist may recommend a combination of ways to treat ankle pain, including:

  • Using devices like casts or braces to provide stability to your ankle
  • Physical therapy, exercises, and stretching to maintain mobility, strength, and flexibility
  • Prescription medications including anti-inflammatories to decrease swelling and ankle pain
  • Surgical intervention to repair torn tendons, ligaments, or broken bones

You need to take care of your ankles, and your podiatrist can help. To find out more about causes and treatments of ankle pain and other foot, ankle, and sports medicine services, call Dr. Hurst of Centreville Foot & Ankle & Sports Medicine in Centreville, VA, at (703) 830-3338 today!

Main Location


5729 Centre Square Dr,
Centreville, VA 20120




7:30 am - 4:00 pm


7:30 am - 4:00 pm


7:30 am - 4:00 pm


7:30 am - 4:00 pm


7:30 am - 3:00 pm



