Treatment Options For Bunions

Dr. James Hurst at Centreville Foot & Ankle Clinic in Centreville, VA, can help you with treatment for bunions.

What is a bunion?

A bunion is a bone deformity, usually located on the side of the big toe. As a bunion grows, it pushes the big toe towards the other toes, forcing the toes sideways. The resulting lump on the big toe rubs against the shoes, causing pain and irritation. This can make standing and walking uncomfortable.

Anybody can develop a bunion, but they are more common in women due to footwear with narrow toe boxes and high-heeled footwear. Genetics can also play into whether you're likely to develop a bunion.

Bunions can be painful and unsightly but we can help. Come see us in Centreville, VA, if you have a bunion.

How are bunions treated?

Bunions are bone deformities and won't go away on their own. The goal for treating bunions is to relieve the pain and irritation they cause and stop the bunion from growing further.

If you just start to notice a bunion, it's best to change the kind of shoes you're wearing immediately. Choose comfortable, supportive footwear with room for your toes to wiggle and avoid narrow toe boxes. Forcing your toes into narrow toe boxes will only make a bunion grow.

To relieve the pain and swelling, icing the bunion and taking over-the-counter pain medications can help. Your doctor may also recommend wearing bunion shields, or little pads with felt fabric that help reduce irritation from the bunion rubbing against shoes.

Orthotic inserts that go in your shoes, either over-the-counter options or custom-made by your podiatrist, help stabilize the joint and get the foot in the correct position for standing and walking. If an adolescent has a bunion, treatment may be different because their bones are still developing. Splints that help the toes and joints align properly can be worn at night.

What is a bunionectomy?

When conservative measures cannot relieve the pain from a bunion, surgery may be recommended. A bunionectomy removes the bunion and realigns the toe. It is an outpatient procedure with about six weeks of recovery time in a walking cast, but a very high success rate.

Bunions can be painful but Dr. James Hurst at Centreville Foot & Ankle Clinic can help. Contact us in Centreville, VA, at 703-830-3338.

Main Location


5729 Centre Square Dr,
Centreville, VA 20120




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7:30 am - 4:00 pm


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