Daily Self Care With Diabetes

Follow these guidelines when it comes to properly caring for your diabetic feet.

Anyone with diabetes knows that taking care of their feet is particularly important. After all, everything from nerve damage to ulcers can cause serious and potentially life-threatening health problems for someone with diabetes. Fortunately, your podiatrist, Dr. James Hurst, can help you craft a diabetic foot care routine in Centreville, VA, that can protect and preserve the health of your feet.

Check Your Feet Every Day

You should be examining your feet every day to make sure there are no changes. By examining your feet thoroughly you’re also more likely to notice slight changes like swelling around a toenail or red inflamed tissue. Look for changes in skin color and temperature and even nail changes. Even minor problems such as calluses and fungal nail infections can cause serious issues if they aren’t properly treated. It’s important that you don’t try to treat them yourself. You should always turn to your Centreville, VA, diabetic foot care specialists.

Keep Blood Sugar in Check

The very best way to reduce your risk for diabetes-related foot complications is to make sure that you are taking the right medications and living a healthy lifestyle to manage your blood sugar. Your doctor will work with you to find the right dose of insulin needed to keep blood sugar in check. Of course, you should also be monitoring your blood sugar levels throughout the day to make sure your current treatments are working. By staying proactive about managing your diabetes you can stave away serious foot problems.

Wash Your Feet Daily

While this might seem like a no-brainer, many people may stand in the shower and think they are getting their feet clean but need to soap up and rinse off their feet to truly get them clean. Make sure to also clean between toes to get rid of bacteria and fungus that could lead to infection. Once you’re out of the shower, also make sure to dry your feet off completely. If your feet are prone to dry skin and cracking, this is the perfect time to apply a moisturizer.

Always Wear Shoes

Since many people with diabetes also have some degree of nerve damage in their feet, they must always wear properly fitted shoes and socks, even indoors. This provides the feet with added protection against burns or injuries. Just make sure that you are wearing shoes that fit properly and won’t rub against your feet or cause pain and other issues.

Centreville Foot & Ankle & Sports Medicine has been providing diabetic foot care and podiatry services in Centreville, VA, for more than 30 years. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hurst to discuss ways to care for your feet, call us at 703-830-3338.

Main Location


5729 Centre Square Dr,
Centreville, VA 20120




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7:30 am - 4:00 pm


7:30 am - 4:00 pm


7:30 am - 4:00 pm


7:30 am - 3:00 pm



